Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Our little man

August Trace Miller came to us at 6:28 AM on Tuesday March 11th, 2008. He weighed 7.4 lbs and was 20 inches long. The labor was quick (thank you Trace!) I started having contractions around 7:00 Monday night and he was born the next morning. We stayed at the hospital till Wednesday evening. We were ready to go home and get our new life started. We stopped to pick up our little girl (Yorkie) so she could come home and meet her new little brother. She has enjoyed sitting on him for the last few months. She thought it was her personal shelf. Our first night went well. Trace just woke up to eat and went right back to sleep. We took him to the doctor the next morning. He lost a little weight (6 ounces) but nothing unusual.
Mom and Dad came in just after lunch and were VERY excited to meet their new (and first) Grandson! Mom really helped me get my house back in order, getting groceries and cooking! Kristen came over to see Trace again too. They stayed till Sunday and then I was on my own.

Since then, Trace has been back to the doctor twice and is over his birth weight. He is a good eater and a good sleeper. He doesn't really cry unless he is hungry or needs a diaper change!

Mom came back up the next weekend as well as my older sister Michelle. She drove in from Atlanta for a quick visit of her new nephew. It was great having them here. I don't think he went 5 minutes without someone holding him for two days.

John and I even left the little man on Friday night. Mom and Michelle kept him while we snuck out for a beer. We were only gone a couple of hours and just went down the street. It was nice even though I looked at my phone every two minutes to make sure no one had called.

He is two weeks old now and up to 7.7 lbs. He is still sleeping and eating well. We went out yesterday to my office to pick up some work. I am going to attempt to work from home over the next few weeks before I return to work full time.

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