Wednesday, February 11, 2009

11 Months Old!!!!

Hey snuffy... are you still here?

Lets hug!

Hey, whats over there?

Snuffy is bothering me....

Oh snuffy... I love you..... No idea what happened to these pictures... Look how tall I am.....

I'm going to read this book now

Mom, you knows it's 6:30 in the morning ... right?

Can you believe that Trace is Eleven months Old! Crazy! (I know I say that every month)

11 things about our 11 month old.
1. has taken a few steps and thinks he is VERY cool.
2. loves to eat... anything... anytime....
3. still doesn't say any "words" beyond mama, dada... I think clearing his ears up will help
4. loves to point to EVERYTHING and say "hugh?" wanting you to name it... its funny
5. loves tiger... that's not really new but work with me here...
6. he does a good job of waving bye and hi
7. he now knows to hold the phone / blackberry up to your ear...its really cute.
8. he does a great high five!
9. if you name things he can point them out... ie block, book, tiger, blackberry...see a trend here?
10. likes to dance around his activity table... he walks around and around and around it
11. is a mad truck driver across the living room floor with his tonka truck... full speed.. all boy!

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