Sunday, August 30, 2009

Word of the Day

Mom, this thing need a refill

Tilly, always supervising... Trace, trying to figure out how the bubble maker works.

When I got Trace out of bed this morning (at 10:00!) he looked at me and said "bubbles" and shook his head no. He gets that because during the week, its all we can do to get him home, fed, bathed, snuggled and off to bed before he gets SUPER grumpy! So, baths are usually quick and we don't have time for bubbles so I say no bubbles. He now points to the jar of bubbles and says bubbles no... So this morning when he woke up saying "bubbles no" I felt like a mean mommy!!! So we had TONS of bubbles today!!! : ) and he said bubbles all day! He is such a cutie. He is working on a new tooth so he was a little grumpy from time to time this weekend. Motrin really helps his mood (and I guess the pain). We went to a birthday part at Chuck E Cheese Saturday night and then over to our friends for the extension (after party!). Burgers and tons of kids in the backyard. CEC pretty much wears me out! Way too much action for me. But the kids had a great time. Another sacrifice of being a parent. :) The weather was wonderful... a sign of fall I suppose. I had the windows open all day today and can hear the crickets chirping now... Trace is sound asleep after a very nice weekend prepping for a week of school. I hope everyone is enjoying the great weather and slower days ahead.

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