Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Trace in the rocking chair from John's childhood.
Enjoying Logans new chair.

The boys in their matching christmas sweaters... I didnt do it... dont blame me.

Trace wanted anything except his presents. The can of deicer was a favorite...

Milk always comes first!

Playing with blocks Christmas Eve

Sweet boy.

I've been a little behind on the posting but I have a good excuse. My appendix decided that it no longer wanted to be a part of me so.... I wasn't feeling well last Wednesday and decided to leave work early. Thursday I knew something was wrong so I went to the doctor and she sent me for a CAT scan. My bad feeling was true. Appendicitis. So I had surgery to have my appendix removed later that night and stayed in the hospital till Sunday. My mom and Ed came up to take care of Trace so John could go between work and staying with me in the hospital. I was glad to come home on Sunday and then my dad came up to help me with Trace while I recuperated at home. So needless to say there was no last minute Christmas shopping for me. I did have everything pretty much done and had everything wrapped thankfully. So go me for not procrastinating this year! :) We were suppose to spend Christmas in Mississippi with my family but we ended up staying here at home. Since my appendix had begun to rupture they are nervous about the infection speading so they want me to stay close to the hospital. Mom and everyone are coming up this Saturday just for the day so we can have our Christmas. I am feeling better everyday thankfully and hope to be back to work soon!

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