Sunday, December 14, 2008

Nine Months! (so big and crazy hair)

Trace turned nine months old this week. I can tell you that this past nine months has been a lot more fun than the nine months before it! Trace is such a sweetheart. I love him with all of my heart.
9 things about my nine month old:
1. Loves to eat anything but not really into solids yet.
2. Loves Tiger
3. Isn't afraid of Santa (They met today :) )
4. Crawls like a big boy now, no more army man.
5. Has CRAZY hair and whatever I do it is going to stick out from every end. I guess I could hairspray it but somehow that seems cruel.
6. Loves to stand and walk along the sofa.
7. Thinks he is really cool when he stands up.
8. Is learning to give kisses on command.
9. Can say Mama and Dada and other random bablings...
It is so fun to watch him learn and react to certain things. He is really starting to know some words. He knows the "yorkie" for sure. We say good morning and good night to her every day. :)

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