Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ten Months!!!!!!!!!!

Trace knew that the Eagles were playing today so he was trying some tackle moves on Sunffy.

Daddy helped with the photo session today... Can you tell who picked out his outfit?

I don't like your tone snuffy...

.... to the floor!

I will put you back on the floor. This bench is getting crowded!

Ok. We can be friends.

In his big boy outfit from mom mom and pop pop.
Ten months... my little man is getting so big!
Ten things about our ten month old:
1. Loves to walk holding on to the sofa and his activity table.
2. Loves to chase Tilly but she is much faster. He looks at her with amazement.
3. Still a great eater and doing well with his finger foods.
4. Has ANOTHER ear infection so we have to go talk to the ear, nose and throat folks about tubes in his ears. :(
5. Plays ball, throws and catches. His teacher said he had "a good arm" think he got that from mommy? ummmm no!
6. Has 2 teeth and working on several others.
7. I have to say.... Still sleeps GREAT... I am very blessed.
8. Can give high fives on command
9. Gives kisses on command... when he wants to...
10. Loves his mommy, daddy, tiger and yorkie... he has also taken up a love affair with one of Tilly's toys. It is a Christmas bear from several years ago and and it says bah hum bug on it. It is now known as the hum bug bear and it gets washed often!

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