Saturday, January 24, 2009

Yes I did!

Yes, I did cut Trace's hair. It was a little out of control. Don't get me wrong, I love it long but it needed a little shaping up. We found a cool place that just does kids cuts and it was perfect. There was so much going on... music...lights...bright colors... movies and a dinosaur to eat (after mommy sanitized it with Lysol)... that he could care less about the lady coming at him with scissors. He was great (as usual)! And he looks super cute! She gave me his hair all in a neat little zippy. She was so cute and collected almost everything she cut!
(Before shot)
What is this place? Why are we having a photo session in public mom?

Hey this lady gave me a cool toy to chew on... see this daddy.

I do not find this humorous... someone better fix it!

This is better... daddy, can we go have lunch now?

Yeah!!!!! All finished! This place is awesome and I get a prize? Great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was almost afraid to scan down to see the finished photo. Didn't think he could be any cuter. I was wrong. He looks adorable!! The photos are so cute.
We love you Trace!!
Aunt Michelle, Uncle Chuck, Laura, Leah and Samantha